What's New In The 3D Printer World

3D Printer Terms and Definitions

Ok Scott here again This time I'm going to start with another basics the parts and terms commonly used in 3D printers. I plan on adding images to most ares but until then I figured this will be a help for some of you. If you have more to add feel free to send me a message or email. I have not added printer layout types and not done delta terms yet but I will get there.

  1. Frame – Holds the full printer together. This can be metal, acrylic or even wood.
  2. X axis motion – movement on the printer from left to right.
  3. Y axis motion – movement on the printer from front to back.
  4. Z axis Motion – movement on the printer up and down.
  5. Extruder – Takes filament from the spool and pushes it to the hotend.
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  17716 Hits
Recent Comments
Brandon Stadthagen
Awesome read!! Keep it up, this should help clarify the parts for better troubleshooting!
Tuesday, 12 March 2019 22:46
Scott Worthington
Thanks just trying to help feel free to help me add more... already added a few more terms love seeing things like this increase b... Read More
Tuesday, 12 March 2019 22:50
Scott Worthington
I can add smoothers just need to figure out the best way to describe them because they are a mixed feedback item some swear by the... Read More
Wednesday, 13 March 2019 17:35
17716 Hits

Prevention is the key

Over the last few weeks there have been posts on social media relating to fires being caused by 3D printers.

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Kevin West
As mention this is controversial, and think this is a preferential choice. I have never had any issues with tinning wires includin... Read More
Sunday, 05 August 2018 01:23
18936 Hits

Rundown on printers

      OK Scott here again like normal. A lot of people have asked me to do reviews or feedback on different printer or ask me what I think of a new printer out and while I can give my overall view of the new printers as to what I can see being good or bad about them I can not and will not do any true rundown on any printer or product I have not used. With that said I have offered my thoughts on several printers that I do not own but please always keep in mind it's only based on what I see....  while I have other printers I’m not going to include them here as one is no longer on the market and the other is custom built by me (still in process).

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24786 Hits

Scott's Printable Printer Upgrades List

    OK Scott Here again. I keep getting asked what parts I use on my printers so I figured I would build a list. starting with general parts. Now this list is just for the printers I have. I’ll also add notes about each as I build the list. Now this is by no means all the parts I have on my printers as some of them I don’t have links to some are prototypes of my own design and some I just didn’t think of it’s also not the only options for these designs as I’m sure most of them have copies or versions out that might work better for each person. I will try to update this as I find or design other parts. Or if you know of something worth adding to the list let me know.

Misc printer related items

Bowden tube cutter

I designed this after seeing a bunch of issues caused by Bowden tube not being cut straight

Bowden tube cutter

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Recent Comments
Steve Czerepak
Scott: I am having a problem with my X5S... I can run my X axis left and right with no problem.. ...... when I run my Y axis away... Read More
Wednesday, 13 November 2019 02:35
Scott Worthington
Sounds like I binding or rubbing issue
Wednesday, 13 November 2019 13:08
24914 Hits

Tap Drill Chart

There are six categories of standard taps. We have broken down the drill size recommendations into those six categories which appear below


Metric Size

Letter Size

Metric taps

milimeter Thread

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17946 Hits

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