What's New In The 3D Printer World

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Scott's Printable Printer Upgrades List

    OK Scott Here again. I keep getting asked what parts I use on my printers so I figured I would build a list. starting with general parts. Now this list is just for the printers I have. I’ll also add notes about each as I build the list. Now this is by no means all the parts I have on my printers as some of them I don’t have links to some are prototypes of my own design and some I just didn’t think of it’s also not the only options for these designs as I’m sure most of them have copies or versions out that might work better for each person. I will try to update this as I find or design other parts. Or if you know of something worth adding to the list let me know.

Misc printer related items

Bowden tube cutter

I designed this after seeing a bunch of issues caused by Bowden tube not being cut straight

Bowden tube cutter

Hotend mount


I have been switching all my printers to E3D clones and for that I use this.  Now I hate printing with supports if I don’t have to so for this one I rotate the back so it lays flat then lower it through the bed on the slicer until it cuts off the bump in the back then no supports required. I have recently been switching to blower style parts coolers and I like them mounted on the right side of the hotend so I have to mirror the part in the slicer. I use this mount on my Tronxy X3, X5S, X5SA and Creality Cr-10S S3.  I did notice after I went to install this mount that the backplate / mount is not setup for Tronxy’s back plate I just used the cutters that came with my X5S and trimmed the back plate a little to allow for clearance of the bolt heads. For the top two bolts.

            E3D mount    Option 2

MK7 / MK8 / MK10

            If I’m using the factory hotend and fan shroud I Use this. Once again rotate so the back is flat no supports needed.

                        MK fan duct block

Direct bolt on parts cooler for 5015 blower fan

                        This is a new find of mine I wanted to leave my tronxy X2 mostly factory  but felt it needed a little more parts cooling so found                         this and added the extra fan. works great

                        5015 parts cooler mount

Misc. Frame

            Channel cover

I don’t like the looks of all the “printer dust” all over my printers so I tend to print channel cover and fill in all the channels on my printers. I have been printing this one while it takes time I think it’s much nicer than all the little dust and stuff from the printing in the extrusion. I just extend it to the length I need or as long as the printer will print

            Channel cover


            Lead screw stabilizers

Now with these I DO NOT recommend them unless you are 100% sure you have your frame perfectly square and your motors, motor couplings and lead screws are all perfectly straight. Otherwise they could cause binding. I use them on my Tronxy X3’s because I use my own Z anti wobble bracket design (link later) but I’m sure they will work or can be adapted to other printers pretty easy.

Z Stabilizers

            Top corners  

For the top corners I use these because the make sure everything is square and stable. I have been using them on my tronxy X3 but know they will work on others.

Top corners


            Belt Tensioner

I recently found this one and have used it few times and really like it simple to print and works good.

Belt tensioner

Belt tensioner 2

Bearing Spacer

I recently was show this one (thanks Craig).

Bearing Spacer

            Corner braces

 These are handy any place you can put them to help make sure your printer stays nice and square

            Corner brace

            Y belt tensioner

If you run horizontal Y belt this is a nice tensioner setup. I have been switching my printers to this mount where ever I can use it.

                                    Y belt tensioner

Nema 17 extrusion mount

Designed this up when I added a second color to my X3 but will work to mount a nema 17 stepper to the extrusion.

Nema 17 mount



I designed this up to hold a 40mm fan as I had a few spare and cover up the mosfet for the heatedbed

Mosfet enclosure

MKS TFT28 mount

            I came up with this when I swapped over to mks gen-l on my X3.

                        MKS tft28 mount

Tronxy X3/X3A

These are the mods I use that I know will work on the above printers might work on more but I use them on my printers.

Button Caps

To me the buttons always felt small and didn’t work exactly like I liked so I found these and tried them and they helped with those issues so much it’s the only way I will use the screen/ button setup that comes with these printers




I like the printer up a little higher to make cleanup under it easier. And I like how simple these legs are and the fit is great. I use them even though I designed my own legs these are just clean looking and strong.



            Extruder Mount

I don’t like acrylic parts on my printers and when I started printing replacements there was not an extruder mount so I designed this one.

Extruder mount


            X motor mount

Just a simple easy to print design but I think I had to swap to longer motor mount bolts.

            X motor mount


            Y motor mount

If your factory this one works great.

                                    Factory Y motor mount


Z motor mount

I designed this up to add alignment bumps to the Z motor mounts.

            Z motor mount


Z anti Wobble

This is me thinking way outside the box on a way to fix all the z wobble issues I was seeing.

Z anti wobble


Y limit switch mount

                        I just found this one but will be using it on mine.

                                    Y limit switch mount


Z limit switch mount

                        I just found this one but will be using it on mine. 

                        X3 adjustable Z limit setup


Tronxy X5S, X5SA, X5ST, X5S-400

            This is parts I feel are needed or just nice to have for these printers

            Enclosure for the control board and z parallel adapter

I don’t like the looks of the open control board. I designed the one for the X5SAto take the smoothers I have on the printer as well as 4 40mm fans. The one for the X5S is a simple factory replacement. I also did one for if you leave the factory mount for the control board.

Control board enclosure for X5SA

Control board cover X5S

Bed lowering and X5S control board enclosure


            Screen mounts

                        I like my screens to be able to move and mounted higher. So I designed these up.

                                    Screen mount Chitu 3.5"

                        Screen mount Tronxy 12864

MKS Sbase mount

Someone asked if I could design up a mount for the MKS sbase for the X5S so here it is.

Sbase mount


            Belt alignment

 This is my version of the belt alignment which Tronxy later on uses a version of on the newer version of the X5S line of printers

Belt alignment


            X Y motor mounts

Designed these up to replace the acrylic mounts and add bracing.

            X Y motor mounts

Bed lowering setup

When I got the X5S I noticed there was wasted space in the frame that could be added into the print area so I came up with this. The X5S control box enclosure and move parts are included in this design.

Bed lowering and X5S control board enclosure



Z Axis Mount
Customized Tronxy X5S Frame

Comments 2

Steve Czerepak on Wednesday, 13 November 2019 02:35

Scott: I am having a problem with my X5S... I can run my X axis left and right with no problem.. ...... when I run my Y axis away from me its ok BUT when i run The Y axis toward me the X axis moves with the Y. Have you got any idea what is causing this?

Thank you
Steve Czerepak

Scott: I am having a problem with my X5S... I can run my X axis left and right with no problem.. ...... when I run my Y axis away from me its ok BUT when i run The Y axis toward me the X axis moves with the Y. Have you got any idea what is causing this? Thank you Steve Czerepak Slczerepak@aol.com
Scott Worthington on Wednesday, 13 November 2019 13:08

Sounds like I binding or rubbing issue

Sounds like I binding or rubbing issue
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